Certified Emotion,Body,Belief Code
Practitioner & Intuitive by Phone
for Adults, Children, Pets, Spaces, & Businesses

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adults, Pets, children, & business and life purpose Thank you
family, business, career, INNATE ABILITIES & life purpose testimonials
Please email or text me your testimonials... Thank you.
adult testimonials
Public Speaking in My Dream
Last night's session was very good. I really felt help with my pain and with stage shyness. I had a dream that I talked in from of (my weekly group) and my (teacher) was there. Thank you.
NH, Los Angeles, California
Less Anxious, More Rejuvenated and Less Pain
Rachel has helped me so much after each session. I feel rejuvenated. My anxiety is more controlled. Left side pain is feeling better. I'm looking forward to more session with her.
LE, Riverside, California
Noticed Friend's Relief from Grief
My friend unexpectedly lost her husband after emergency cardiac surgery. Talk therapy was not helping her. She was not inclined to use energy healing, but at my suggestion, decided to try it anyway. The evening after her appointment with Rachel, my friend showed up at my door. She was visibly more light hearted – even happy. What a contrast. That day became a turning point and allowed my friend to move on to start her new life. I continue to see my friend weekly, and her progress since that session has been inspiring. I am so grateful to Rachel.
MB, Washington
Sever Depression, Years of Isolation...Now in Action in Life (visiting friends, helping family, etc.)
You have helped me to grow and change like no other. Seriously, no one person, group, medication, assorted therapies, nothing has helped me as much as you have in the short time we've worked together. I will be forever indebted to you for the gift you have given me. A real chance to grow and more over, grow into who I should have been, not what I became.
EW, Seattle, Washington
Calmer and Less ADD and Nervousness
My mom has experienced a strong case of ADD and is super nervous. Your remote session work is making a big difference slowing my mom's thoughts down, which is great and making her more calm.
SB, Wisconsin
More Self Aware
I have had the pleasure of working with Rachel over the last couple of years, and I can say without reservation that she has more integrity and more passion for this work than most Healers I have worked with in my life.
She really connects in through her heart and you feel it during the sessions. Her work is always spot on, and every element that gets cleared deeply resonates and also helps me understand what is going on in my body, mind, and spirit. That is invaluable unto itself!
No matter what occurs in the aftermath, I always feel safe and cared for in these sessions, and walk away feeling a deep sense of relief and calm. I have tremendous respect and gratitude for Rachel, and strongly recommend booking a session with her.
AK, New York
Family Unified & Friendly Again
After 35 tumultuous years with my ex-husband (half my life!), we got a divorce, which was a bad one. Up until recently, three years later, we still could not talk to each other without severe fighting. Well, Rachel, "dissolved the web" between my ex, our adult daughter, and me. Now we are all getting along and are even becoming friends. He is in another relationship and I have moved on, but healing the relationship helped us to truly forgive thus making the 35 years together not all seeming to have been in vain. I am grateful.
VM, Texas
Happy and at Ease with Session
Thank you so much for the wonderful session! I felt
at ease and comfortable and am very happy with everything that was done!! I highly recommend Rachel's services! Many thanks and blessings to you!!
LO, Texas
Relief & More Relaxed (Reduced Blood Pressure) + Dog too
Thank you! I'm very excited and am already feeling some relief...my blood pressure is actually lower than it's been in years (I had my annual physical today).
My dog Bodhi also feels more relaxed too.
ML, Oahu, Hawaii
Dating Attraction - Fast & Big Change
I had a session yesterday to clear blockages about romantic relationships. I was feeling hopeless due to my age and past experiences. After the session I went out to perform music and two women asked for my phone number last night. This was a big change since in the past my conversations were confusing and often with women who were already married or dating. I am more optimistic now and feel more relaxed and hopeful.
ZS, Humboldt, California
Overall Well-Being - A Complete Shift
I have been working with Rachel nearly weekly for several months and have experienced relief in all aspects of my life. I feel way better physically and mentally. I have more energy and my energy feels much better. I'm less angry and so much calmer. Plus, in the last 3 days my eating habits are so much healthier.
KH, Culver City, California
Physical Discomfort Resolved
The physical condition of my knee improved after a couple sessions. She identified a physical condition I hadn't mentioned and after clearing it the problem seemed resolved. She's a lovely person and practitioner. I've had a friend and family member use her service.
BB, Los Angeles, CA
Meaningful Relationship with Self and Ancestory...
I feel so grateful for crossing paths with Rachel and working on making the world a better place through healing myself and aspects of my ancestry. She’s gifted with so much wisdom to offer and patiently walks me through what can feel like narrow bridges in my life.
I love that she’s so passionate about her work and really does this for a higher purpose, rather than just simply a job.
Clearing my Heart Wall was a big breakthrough, allowing me to feel more profoundly, and cultivate more meaningful relationships, and even more so with myself/my soul and Gd. I look forward to every chat, because I come out a more evolved version of my self.
Thank you for being a beautiful part of my journey!
RN, Los Angeles, CA
More Satisfied with Status of Health
I had no idea of the extent of the problem until we worked together to release so many trapped emotions. They were released so easily and quickly. I highly recommend people work with Rachel...
CM, Seattle, Washington
Chiropractor says, "Keep it up!"
Rachel has been more than supportive in my emotional healing, but as a bonus I feel rejuvenated in my physical healing!
I've had neck pain for over 14 years and she was able to pin point the spot as my C1/C2 vertebra and help me to let go of all the energy held within the area that had been preventing long term relief. I felt better immediately after the first session!
I happened to have a chiropractic appointment the same day and the doctor remarked that I had greatly improved and would not need to do as much neck work nor see him at the frequency we had plotted out. The chiropractor confirmed that was in fact where my issues were stemming from. In fact, he said, "What ever you're doing, keep it up!" He now knows that I've invested in my health through Emotion Code work with Rachel.
I can't say enough about how grateful I am for her genuine empathic nature & sincerity in empowering others to live their best life.
KM, Parker, CO
Relief from PTS, Overcome Loneliness, & Able to Lead
Rachel Quon has selflessly taken time to assist me over and over again with issues in my experience of life.
Recently I experienced Post Traumatic Stress (PTS) from a house fire. A “total loss “ was what the firemen’s words were. I reached out to Rachel as I had before, clearing the shock from my body. She has been instrumental in rapidly decreasing the effects of PTS.
Another issue I had was a feeling of loneliness and longing to connect with others and feel included or knowing I was somehow causing people to not be available. Upon clearing this with Rachel, the next day, I had my best date with a woman I really appreciate and other great people that I had been missing, reached out to me and want to be part of what I'm doing.
I was also having trouble with employees that were helping me build a treehouse for a client and I was at a loss on how to lead the workers. Soon, my leadership skills began improving.
Emotion Code is a very miraculous system and Rachel uses it well. Her concern for people and animals and the miracles she helps produce is a relief to this world!
MK, Austin, Texas
I Feel Great About Myself, Dating Success (Heart Wall Removed)
Last year was the loneliest year of my life. I wanted to be able to connect with others, but no matter what I tried, I couldn't make a meaningful connection...
I had been going to a therapist and a counselor all year and reading self-help books, but nothing could stop me from feeling very unhappy and alone. I felt so bad that I would cry for extended periods of time - I couldn't help it.
I had tried everything else, so I decided to find a practitioner and try the Emotion Code healing - even though I didn't know how it worked - I was desperate.
I signed up for five Emotion Code sessions with Rachel Quon, whom I had heard about through a friend. She conducted five 1-hour sessions with me over the phone. The sessions were effortless with Rachel doing most of the talking, while I answered a few questions...
It's a few weeks after the 5th session and for some crazy reason I feel great about myself. And it appears that everywhere I go, women are interested in talking to me and wanting to spend time with me. It's so easy! I'm having a ton of fun! I'm not sure how it happened, but I'm out of my own way now.
One thing I can't explain...I have a couple of dating sites. I haven't been on the sites lately and I have never changed my profile or profile pictures, yet four weeks after my sessions with Rachel, my popularity on those sites has gone up to an all-time high - all on its own!
GS, Seattle, Washington
Noticably Happier 3-Years After Wife's Death (Heart Wall)
When I met Rachel, my life was 'ok'. I didn't have tremendous joy, but things were 'fine.' When I chose to do a session, I couldn't think of an issue or problem that I wanted addressed or released, so I thought a heart wall clearing session was a good way to discover what I didn't know.
The emotions and ages which Rachel identified and described were spot on. Events and feelings that I recalled but wasn't aware had stuck with me in creating a heart wall. After the first session I felt lighter, but chalked that up to being in a "good spot."
The real evidence of the sessions' efficacy came from my friends and family. A few weeks after my first session, a friend asked me what had changed for me. As we talked, she said I seemed much lighter and happier. She's known me for the 3 years since my wife died and said she'd never seen me so light - like a weight had been lifted. The same week, my 11-year-old daughter off-offhandedly commented, "Dad, you've been smiling a lot more recently. It's really nice to see." This was the proof I needed that change had indeed occurred for me and I look forward to more sessions.
BH, Seattle, Washington
Financial Abundance & Velocity
I recently had a session with Rachel and was very pleased with her professionalism, her explanation of the history of the Emotion Code, and how the whole process worked. We covered a broad range of limiting beliefs surrounding blocks to abundance in all areas of my life, professional, income, personal relationships, and love. I was pleasantly surprised and so pleased to see openings immediately in all areas of my life.
I signed 4 new clients within 3 weeks after working with Rachel and a check came in that I had been waiting for, for some time. I am looking forward to continued openings of abundance. I will definitely call Rachel again for another session when I notice I am blocking the unlimited flow of abundance.
KH, Orange Co., California
Feel Lighter & Free (Heart Wall)
I was feeling and doing okay when I decided to do an Emotion Code heart wall release with Rachel. The process itself is interesting in that emotions unseen or [not] remembered pop up. As you trace the origin and where in your body it impacts, I started feeling a lift in spirits. I describe the feeling of freedom that started within as unraveling. The "knots" I lived with were loosening...
Over several sessions, we worked together to find the emotions and tease them out. The lightness is wonderful and such a relief. I didn't quite know what to expect and it was so great to work with Rachel.
AH, Seattle, Washington
Confidence, Less Worry, and Permission to be Myself - Two Sessions
After just 2 sessions with Rachel, I noticed a significant change in my life. My confidence, self worth, and authenticity have been shining, and my anxiety, worry, and stress have been declining. She gave me permission to be myself. Forever grateful. Very talented, and I highly recommend her.
RN, Beverly Hills, California
Feel Clearer Energetically and Emotionally
It was so interesting and so relevant to my personal growth journey - to explore old memories and be reminded of significant events that have shaped my habits, patterns, and beliefs. I felt lighter and clearer energetically and emotionally after my sessions. I highly recommend giving yourself (or someone you love) the opportunity...
NS, Seattle, Washington
Less Frustrated and Anxious in Relationship - One Session
I'm actually feeling much better, a lot less crying, I'm a bit more focused at work, and at home, I'm just politely distant. So thank you so much for your help.
LC, Salt Lake City, Utah
Improved Digestion & Confidence
Before our session I had experienced a lot of belching after each meal. It was very annoying and embarrassing. I tried to eat slower and smaller amounts, but I still had the problem. Much of Rachel’s session with me [to address self confidence] affected my abdominal area and organs that were affected by releasing emotional trauma. Afterwards I experienced a dramatic drop in the belching. I knew that there was a REAL change that had taken place. It seems that as the week has gone on, I even have less and less. I knew that I was touched by my time with Rachel. Thank you.
FB, Seattle, Washington
Avocado Food Allergy Gone
Rachel worked on my avocado allergy (itchy mouth) and I'm happy to report that since our sessions, I'm now able to enjoy guacamole again. Thank you Rachel!
MA, Seattle, Washington
Harmony with Self and Young Daughter
I'm so truly grateful to you! Today it seems like you did connect different parts of me as I feel I'm discovering my true self. I'm so happy! I'm singing all day and already had such an amazing time with my daughter. I can't find words to describe what even these few hours without constant struggle mean to me!!!
CHB, Los Angeles, Califonria
Organ Transplant Recipient & Donor - Together!!!
My mom received a liver transplant in 2003. When I attempted to begin an Emotion Code session on her - very interestingly, but not surprisingly - I could not begin the session until BOTH she and her donor were "present."
Her organ donor had to be part of the session!
This was an amazing and very emotional experience for me as her daughter and an Emotion Code Practitioner. I released 10 emotions from them that morning - most emotions were personal to each and one was a shared emotion.
This session changed my life. I now have more gratitude and a new appreciation for all organ donors and the energies we share.
Rachel Quon, Washington
Years of Isolation & Low Motivation...Now in Action in Life
(visiting friends, helping family, etc.)
You have helped me to grow and change like no other. Seriously, no one person, group, medication, assorted therapies, nothing has helped me as much as you have in the short time we've worked together. I will be forever indebted to you for the gift you have given me. A real chance to grow and more over, grow into who I should have been, not what I became.
EW, Seattle, Washington
More Satisfied with Status of Health
I had no idea of the extent of the problem until we worked together to release so many trapped emotions. They were released so easily and quickly. I highly recommend people work with Rachel...
CM, Seattle, Washington
Lost Weight
Rachel was as delight to work with. Her calmness and sincerity are comforting and delightful. Her readings were amazingly accurate and it felt so good to have the loci of my negative emotions cleared. Not only did I feel lighter afterwards, I actually was! I weighted myself a few days after our session and I had lost 8 pounds! Hanging onto all those negative emotions was literally weighing me down! I highly recommend Rachel's services. She has a gift.
BI, Orange Co., California
pet testimonials
DOG: 1 Session - More Calm & Affectionate
After a very productive session for myself, I was both curious and skeptical as to how this technique would work with my irritable 15-year-old little dog Pepe. The nightly episodes of non-stop barking were driving me a little nuts. I asked Rachel to do a session with Pepe. She repeatedly identified “indecision” as a trapped emotion for Pepe.
In the following weeks, Pepe’s barking decreased, and he now sits calmly on my lap during previous “barking hours.” He also jumps up on the couch, which he hadn’t been able to do for months. I’d say it sure seemed to work on Pepe. JG, Washington
3 ORCAS: 1 Session
(More... Orca Testimonials under the More tab)
On the morning of 8/11/18, I conducted a session for mother orca J53 and her dead baby "J0," which she had been traveling with for 17 days.
This story of this mother called Tahlequah and her dead baby orca made international news for several weeks.
The results were enlightening and included a shared/inherited emotion of "Shock" from the mother that was passed to her baby. Within 5 hours, the mom and baby had separated and J53 was eating/hunting with her pod.
On the evening of 8/13/18, I conducted a session for young orca J50. She was starving and had trouble keeping up with her pod. I found she had parasites that made her muscles tired, so I cleared the parasites (presence of a parasite was confirmed by scientists). She also needs extra leucine, an amino acid.
Rachel Quon, Washington
HORSE: 2 Sessions & Heart Wall Clearing - Content & Happy
Little did I know how many trapped emotions my horse has been holding on to within his Heart Wall. He has always been sensitive to touch and has food aggression issues with people. After two sessions, Rachel released over 15 trapped emotions. Some of the released emotions were: hopelessness, indecisive, lost, anxiety, and loneliness. Most of these trapped emotions happened with previous owners and some were even inherited from his parents and past generations.
After moving him 3,000 miles, Rachel found out that he is now happy with his current living situation and his goat companions. He even yawned (a sign of releasing energy) after Rachel finished the session and the playful goats tipped over their water - never having done that before. I have seen some improvements with my horse’s mood and plan on continuing to have him work with Rachel to fully release his Heart Wall.
LM, Pennsylvania
CAT: 1 Session for Rescued, Traumatized Cat
We rescued "Jungle Cat," a male cat few weeks ago. Luckily we found a foster home for him and he was adjusting well until he had a run in with the two resident cats - did not go well. After this incident, he was hiding under a chair for almost a week, only came out when no one was near, walking all hunkered down - poor guy. Within 2 days of our session with Rachel he was back to his normal self: coming out, being curious and confident once again and he even let me pet him, which is HUGE for a feral cat! It made me so happy to see this transformation - incredible! We still have a long way to go, but hopeful with Rachel's help he will be adoptable and will find his forever home. Rachel is absolutely amazing! Her kindness, calmness, and in the insight she provides are a true blessing! Thank you so much.
P.S. It's been several months and he is a "normal" cat.
AS, Florida
DOG: 1 Session - Stopped Barking & Now Friendly, Less Anxious
Yesterday, Rachel did an Emotion Release session with my dog Hopie to help with her separation anxiety. Her anxiety manifested itself as fear of meeting new people, being left at home alone, barking excessively when the doorbell rang or when there was a knocking sound.
Immediately after the phone session with Rachel, on a visit to the vet, where in the past she would bark at everyone, Hopie was calm and went up to greet everyone in a friendly manner. She didn’t even bark non-stop when the doorbell rang today. What a relief for all of us. She is calmer and more attentive now. We are very pleased with our much happier dog! Thank you, Rachel!
ME, Washington
children testimonials
Age 4: Less Angry & Afraid, More Friendly to Grandfather
My 4-year old granddaughter, whom I have lived with for 3 years, has been openly unfriendly, almost afraid, and angry with me since she was born. She does not want me to look at, talk to, or touch her. As her grandfather, I have always been very kind and friendly towards her.
After Rachel did a session on both of us to address this long-standing issue, my granddaughter was noticeably more friendly. The next day, she looked me in the eye when I asked to have a cracker....she counted them out and gave me 5 crackers! I was so happy.
RQ, Seattle, Washington
Age 3: Refuses Going to the Bathroom at Pre-School (Jan 31)
He had a breakthrough (the day after the latest session), the teacher said that he was very relaxed and sociable when she took him to the bathroom today. He still refuses to pee, but he was much more relaxed.
and Resists Going to Pre-School, Cough (Feb 15)
Thank you so much. He went to school much more easily today, which is a big change from gripping onto his dad and being pulled off. His cough is so much better!
EC, Los Angeles, California
Age 7: Skin Rash Markedly Healed
Rachel worked on my 7-year old son, he has a skin rash that requires steroid cream to be put on twice daily due to the itch. After one session, the rash was markedly healed, and we do not need to put on any steroid cream on the rest of the rash that is still visible. Thank you Rachel!!!
MA, Seattle, Washington
Age 4: Less Angry & Fearful of Strangers (Being Watched)
As a family we were struggling with our 4-year old son's quick to anger responses to seemingly small issues. He also was fearful of being watched and was constantly hiding under my coats and sweaters.
The morning after our session with Rachel, our son awoke a happier child, no longer hiding under my coattails. The results were phenomenal. Our son and family are in a much happier place.
BC (a very happy mom), Seattle, Washington